Przedsięwzięcie Top Of Africa to wspólny pomysł tanzańskiego przewodnika Sifuela Moshy’ego oraz pasjonata Afryki – Andrzeja Gutowskiego. Nasza przygoda rozpoczęła się dawno temu, w obozie Barranco, na południowych stokach masywu Kilimanjaro i trwa nieprzerwanie do dzisiaj. A czym się zajmujemy? W dużym skrócie: realizujemy marzenie wspinaczy ze wszystkich stron świata pragnących zobaczyć słynne hemingwayowskie „śniegi Kilimanjaro” marzenie o przygodzie życia w sercu Afryki, marzenie o powitaniu wschodu słońca na „Dachu Afryki”.

Stąd też wzięła się nazwa Top Of Africa, bo właśnie trekking na Kilimanjaro to lite motiv naszej firmy. Proponujemy Wam wybór jednej spośród 3 tras, które naszym zdaniem stanowią esencję pięknych widoków, bogatej przyrody i fascynujących zmagań z górą i oczywiście z sobą samym. Te trasy to: Machame (zwana kiedyś „whiskey route”), Rongai oraz najdłuższa Lemosho.

Ale Top Of Africa to nie tylko Kilimanjaro. Dla pasjonatów trekkingu proponujemy wyprawę na podrównikową Mt. Kenyę, mniejszego brata Kilimanjaro – Mt. Meru a w szczególności przepiękny szlak Crater Highlands, którego zwieńczeniem jest widowiskowa wspinaczka na Oldonyo Lengai – masajską Górę Bogów.

Afryka Wchodnia to nie tylko wspaniałe trekkingi. To także legendarne już safari w najsłynniejszych parkach narodowych Kenii i Tanzanii: Serengeti, Masai Mara, Amboseli czy kraterze Ngorongoro, zwanego też „Arką Noego”. To również spotkania z fascynującymi plemionami zamieszkującymi tereny, które były przecież kolebką rodzaju ludzkiego. Odwiedzimy więc wioski  Masajów, Hadza, Samburu czy Turkana.

Na koniec zaprosimy Was na słynną „wyspę przypraw”, czyli Zanzibar. Jego historyczna stolica, ogrody przypraw i idylliczne białe plaże będą prawdziwym wytchnieniem po trudach trekkingu i safari.

Zapraszamy do Afryki Wschodniej na najwspanialszą przygodę.

Karibu sana.

Zespół Top Of Africa

Nasza ekipa

Ally Swalehe

Ally Swalehe

Przewodnik główny

Elisante John

Elisante John


Ewa Godwin Moshi

Ewa Godwin Moshi

Organizator safari

Yassin Juma

Yassin Juma

Przewodnik górski

Opinie naszych Gości

M.: My favorite spots were giraffes nearby Lake Manyara and lions in the Crater.
J.: And mine – walking with the Maasai and then barbecue in Mto Wa Mbu. 


Milena i Jędrek, Czerwiec 2014

I went to Tanzania to view beautiful landscapes and wildlife, however meeting local tribes of Maasai and Hadza and learning about their life, was unexpected additional highlight of the trip.


Kamila, styczeń 2012

For all of us Kilimanjaro trek was by far physically demanding and emotionally rewarding thing we have ever done. Thanks to Sifuel and the whole Top of Africa team, we got a chance to reach the top – which all of us did. 


Aleksandra, Tina, Hubert i Wojtek, Luty 2010

Visiting remote but really beautiful and fascinating Lake Turkana region was a great experience for us. We had an exceptional opportunity to watch local people day-to-day life in such rough and arid environment, to learn about their habits and culture and even to swim in Lake Turkana.

Aleksandra and Wiola, January 2013

Our team of 8 people summited Mount Kilimanjaro with Sifuel’s team on the Lemosho route in seven days. We not only made it to the top; we all reached it at the same time, safely and without incident. Our team ranged in age from 30-60, we had athletes and non-athletes alike.Sifuel managed to plan our final trek by staggered the departure times from Barafu Camp for each individual on the last stage to match their climbing abilities allowing us to all meet at Stella point. From here, we climbed the last hike to Uhuru peak together!

The trip was one of the greatest things I will accomplish in my life. Without Sifuel’s highly experienced team and the care he took to keep us well fed and rested, it may not have been as successful for all or our team members. My wife and I can’t wait for our two daughters to be old enough to return to climb again with Sifuel and his team.

Tanzania is a great country to visit, many wonders to see and great people to learn from. If you plan to hike to the highest point in Africa, I highly recommend Sifuel and his company, Top of Africa Trekking Company, to get you there safely. Sifuel and Top of Africa Trekking Company will ensure you truly enjoy and succeed at this incredible adventure.

Julian Fisher

I have made a great trip to climb mt Kili with Sifuel and his team. Next to being a very nice guy, he has also shown to be an amazing expert in making these kinds of climbs. I would certainly recommend him!Pablo Chabot

Sifuel runs an efficient trekking business that understands the needs of the customer. His expertise and guidance assures that every customer gets to the summit. Very helpful and encouraging those that find the going a bit tough. The personal touch and attention to detail makes his treks an adventure never to forget!

Johan Venture

Top of Africa is a company headed up by Sifuel Moshi, our team of 5 from Aussie (WA & Vic) had the most brilliant, successful and memorable 7 days on Mt Kilimanjaro in August 2012 and then went on Safari for 8 days. The quality of the information, the friendliness and support of this companies staff was excellent, I would happily recommend Top of Africa to anyone wishing to have that special African experience.Jeff Bowman

Sifuel is the best mountain guide that I have ever seen all over the word. Sifuel is a safe and strong guide with a very good knowledge about the top of Africa. He has a warm hospitality, with the particularity to be very efficient to plan and organize the logistic. His professional profile was really appreciate. He is a warm and serious person, and speaks good English. I recommend him for any businesses or to manage team. He is a confidence person.David Martinez